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Why Choose U-K Names? u-k.org domain

Only £10.00 For 5 Years, Why Not?

  • u-k.org and u-k.biz have the highest availability of any UK domain name, meaning that you get the EXACT name that you require
  • The cost is minimal, just £ 10.00 secures the name for a full 5 years.
  • All registrants will be given a username and password giving them access to the domain control panel. This allows changes to be made to the domain details quickly and simply.
  • The domain remains in the registrants control at all times, not the ISPs. This means that the domain can be moved to different ISPs without relying on a third party.

5 Year Domain Registration We are currently the only company with whom you can register U-K.ORG and U-K.BIZ domains. Don't hesitate to register your domain name and keep it safe.

Hosting We can also provide you with hosting space for your website. Take a look at Kencomp Internet Ltd.

Name Server Forwarding When you register your domain name you will be asked to provide name servers for your domain. These can be the name servers for your existing domain which will simply point your U-K.ORG domain to the existing site, no extra hosting fees just £10 for 5 years.

Email We can provide you with email facility including; webmail, virus filtering, spam filtering, pop3 and IMAP collection. Check out our sister site at www.kencomp.net

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